Uzbekistan intends to increase imports of gas and petrol from Turkmenistan
16.07 2920 POLITICS
Suspects and accused persons are fully guaranteed the right to defense – PGO on events in Nukus
16.07 2692 POLITICS
Parliamentary commission to investigate the events in Karakalpakstan
15.07 2941 POLITICS
Experts believe that there are opportunities to switch to a 4-day work week for some industries in Uzbekistan
15.07 2813 POLITICS
Deadline for public discussion of draft constitutional law extended until August 1
15.07 5197 POLITICS
Gov’t decides not to temporarily increase price of gas and electricity for legal entities
15.07 2994 POLITICS
Russia plans to modernize Fergana airport and establish an airline in Uzbekistan
15.07 3000 POLITICS
Agency for External Labor Migration publishes number of citizens employed abroad over 6 months
15.07 1743 POLITICS
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan sign historic agreement on Amu Darya
14.07 3083 POLITICS
Mirziyoyev: “Turkmenistan is a reliable and key partner in the region for us”
14.07 2501 POLITICS
Deputy FM of Uzbekistan meets with Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of India 
14.07 2671 POLITICS
Tashkent to host two major SCO and CIS meetings
14.07 2573 POLITICS
Uzbekistan to introduce use of electronic bracelets against suspects 
14.07 2642 POLITICS
Tanzila Narbayeva meets with parliamentary delegation of Iran
14.07 2417 POLITICS
Precinct commissions for holding a referendum to be created at representative offices of Uzbekistan in foreign countries
14.07 2461 POLITICS
President of Turkmenistan arrives in Uzbekistan on a state visit
14.07 2337 POLITICS
Norov and Lavrov discuss strengthening strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Russia
14.07 2465 POLITICS
President of Turkmenistan to visit Uzbekistan this week
13.07 2604 POLITICS
Constitutional commission member: Now citizens who are called to law enforcement bodies will not “disappear” 
13.07 3519 POLITICS
Uzbekistan’s population density up
13.07 3061 POLITICS