US may give about 50 former Afghan aircraft to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan
20.09 3810 POLITICS
Uzbekistan, Sweden discuss issues of cooperation in innovation field
20.09 3156 POLITICS
President heavily criticizes chairman of Uzbekistan Railways 
20.09 3231 POLITICS
Uzbekistan intends to increase tourism potential  
19.09 3584 POLITICS
Mirziyoyev reprimands khokim of Kashkadarya region for shortcomings in tourism field 
19.09 2876 POLITICS
Uzbekistan, Czech Republic discuss holding first EU-Central Asia ministerial conference on strengthening connectivity
19.09 3550 POLITICS
Statistics about coverage of Samarkand SCO summit by Telegram channels announced
19.09 3339 POLITICS
Master plan for landscaping of Tashkent approved
19.09 3370 POLITICS
Samarkand SCO summit comes to an end 
16.09 4783 POLITICS
SCO member states sign 44 documents in Samarkand summit
16.09 5105 POLITICS
Mirziyoyev, Erdoğan discuss strengthening political-diplomatic ties, boosting trade relations
16.09 3982 POLITICS
Putin speaks about Russia’s plans for Ukraine during SCO Samarkand summit
16.09 4355 POLITICS
Chinese company to build ropeways in Uzbekistan
16.09 4092 POLITICS
A special humanitarian support fund for Afghanistan may be established 
16.09 3679 POLITICS
President Mirziyoyev names problems creating serious risks for sustainable development
16.09 3711 POLITICS
President Mirziyoyev urges to support construction project of railway corridor “Termez – Mazar-i-Sharif – Kabul – Peshawar”
16.09 3637 POLITICS
Shavkat Mirziyoyev calls for providing humanitarian aid to Pakistan
16.09 3237 POLITICS
Shavkat Mirziyoyev: SCO should maintain the status of not joining blocks 
16.09 3686 POLITICS
SCO summit kicks off in Samarkand
16.09 3461 POLITICS
Putin tries samosa, Lukashenko wears Uzbek national headwear: Informal reception held for SCO guests in Samarkand
16.09 2899 POLITICS