Daily COVID-19 cases exceed 100 in Uzbekistan

POLITICS 13:38 / 26.11.2022 7423

According to the Ministry of Health, on November 25, COVID-19 was confirmed in 124 people throughout the republic.

In particular, 80 people tested positive for coronavirus in the city of Tashkent, 1 – in Karakalpakstan, 6 – in Bukhara, 3 – in Jizzakh, 9 – in Namangan, 8 – in Samarkand, 1 – in Syrdarya, 1 – in Surkhandarya, 3 – in Fergana, 1 – in Khorezm and 8 – in Tashkent region.

On November 24, the country registered 95 cases, the day before – 98.

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