Dilbar Dolimova: the number of children in intensive care units increases

SOCIETY 23:32 / 23.07.2021 1880

“We read the statement of Zarifboy Ibodullayev and want to outline that in this situation we must provide the correct information to the population. Our ministry is ready to provide any data about the properties and effectiveness of the vaccine. We regularly work with the center in Zangiota.

This year, the intensive care units are full of children. Last year, mostly the elderly had serious complications, while children recovered fast. However, this year, it is serious even in the case of children,” Dilbar Dolimova said.

Earlier, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Neurologist Zarifboy Ibodullayev spoke out against forced vaccination of the population. He also demanded the provision of open data on the creation and effectiveness of the Uzbek-Chinese vaccine, the most widely used vaccine in the country.

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