State program “Modern school” to be developed in Uzbekistan 
06.12 2037 POLITICS
President departs for St. Petersburg
06.12 923 POLITICS
Uzbek Prosecutor General met with a Kazakh counterpart in Astana 
06.12 789 POLITICS
35 Uzbek citizens were rescued on the Kazakh highway 
05.12 913 POLITICS
Bakhodir Eshmuratov is appointed Chairman of the Board of “Uztransgaz” JSC
05.12 1358 POLITICS
Inomjon Majidov paid a working visit to Belarus
05.12 1296 POLITICS
Turkish Embassy to handle establishment of relations between Uzbekistan, NATO
05.12 1023 POLITICS
Uzbekistan ranks 132 in the Global Terrorism Index 2018
05.12 1314 POLITICS
British-Russian agrarian-industrial cluster to be established in Tashkent region 
05.12 2666 POLITICS
Deputy Foreign Minister: Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the UAE will be appointed soon
05.12 393 POLITICS
Foundation “Digital trust”, Russian Foundation for Innovation Promotion to cooperate 
05.12 879 POLITICS
New Deputy Minister of Health is appointed 
05.12 1088 POLITICS
Uzbek delegation to take part in the Ministerial Council of the OSCE
05.12 798 POLITICS
Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture to establish a joint faculty with SIACU in Tashkent
05.12 1098 POLITICS
President to take part in the informal summit of the CIS heads of state
05.12 477 POLITICS
Uzbekistan, Kuwait to develop trade-economic, political relations
04.12 641 POLITICS
Traffic policemen must have body cameras starting from July 1, 2019 
04.12 1322 POLITICS
“Ravon Motors Rus” recalls over 5,200 units of sold Nexia R3 cars due to malfunction
04.12 1514 POLITICS
Uzbekistan to build 4 large and 16 small hydropower plants in five years
04.12 1486 POLITICS
Uzbekistan may establish car production in Kyrgyzstan
04.12 874 POLITICS