Foundation “Digital trust”, Russian Foundation for Innovation Promotion to cooperate 

POLITICS 18:09 / 05.12.2018 879

The Foundation “Digital trust” for the support and development of the digital economy and the Foundation for the promotion of development of small enterprises in the scientific-technical sphere (Russia) have signed a memorandum of cooperation, the press service of the Foundation reports. 
The purpose of the memorandum is to create a legal basis for establishing cooperation. Collaboration between the funds will promote the development of digital economy in Uzbekistan, foster the exchange of experience and create the legal basis for organizing forums, seminars and other educational activities. 
It should be noted that since 1994, the Russian Foundation has supported more than 12,000 small enterprises, promoted the development of a competitive market for innovative developments and public-private partnership mechanisms in Russia. The main tasks of the Foundation include the involvement of talented young people in innovative activities, support the creation of small innovative entrepreneurship and attraction of small enterprises in technological renewal.

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