Kyrgyzstan's new embassy building inaugurated in Tashkent
03.05 1541 POLITICS
Uzbekistan drops 11 lines in Press Freedom Index
03.05 1677 POLITICS
Uzbekistan establishes diplomatic relations with Djibouti
03.05 1634 POLITICS
Uzbekistan and Russia aim to expand cooperation
02.05 2032 POLITICS
Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia to boost economic ties with $18 billion in projects
02.05 1720 POLITICS
Domestic and foreign journalists covering III Tashkent International Investment Forum 
02.05 1478 POLITICS
About 10 citizens prosecuted for publicly insulting the president and his family since year beginning 
02.05 1500 POLITICS
Uzbekistan launched a project on management of hazardous chemicals 
02.05 2708 POLITICS
Shavkat Mirziyoyev receives EBRD President and head of the OPEC International Fund
02.05 1202 POLITICS
Qatar Development Fund to aid in Uzbekistan’s social protection initiatives
01.05 1646 POLITICS
Governors changed in three districts of Andijan region
01.05 1491 POLITICS
Uzbekistan and Germany move to strengthen ties through enhanced cooperation
01.05 1698 POLITICS
New deputy governor of Syrdarya region appointed
01.05 1483 POLITICS
New governor appointed to Bukhara city
01.05 1552 POLITICS
Uzbekistan's new ambassador presents credentials to President of Singapore
30.04 1700 POLITICS
Uzatom and Rosatom prepare general contract for nuclear power plant construction in Uzbekistan
30.04 2237 POLITICS
World Intellectual Property Organization Academy branch to be established in Uzbekistan
30.04 1365 POLITICS
Young man jailed for 5 years for insulting President Mirziyoyev on the internet
30.04 1794 POLITICS
Shavkat Mirziyoyev returns from short-term leave
29.04 1755 POLITICS
Ministries to move to New Tashkent
27.04 2883 POLITICS