Preschool Education Agency dissolved; responsibilities transferred to new ministry

POLITICS 13:47 / 04.07.2024 1344

The president has issued a decree "On Measures to Improve the State Management System in the Field of Preschool and School Education."

According to the decree, the activities of the Preschool Education Agency have been terminated, and the organizations within its structure have been transferred to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.

The Ministry of Preschool and School Education has been assigned the following additional functions:

•  Creating conditions for the comprehensive intellectual, moral, aesthetic, and physical development of preschool children, taking into account advanced foreign experiences;

•  Introducing modern innovative pedagogical technologies, effective forms, and methods of education and upbringing into the preschool education process;

•  Improving the curriculum, programs, and educational-methodological complexes of preschool education and ensuring their continuity with general secondary education programs;

•  Ensuring the gradual coverage of all children with preschool education by creating a healthy competitive environment between state and non-state preschool educational institutions.

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