Project C.U.R.E. sends humanitarian aid to Karakalpakstan
30.06 3588 POLITICS
New ambassador of Montenegro presents his credentials to FM Norov
29.06 4289 POLITICS
Serdar Berdimuhamedov to visit Uzbekistan
29.06 4072 POLITICS
Electricity and gas tariffs not to rise from July 1 - Energy Ministry
29.06 3985 POLITICS
US imposes sanctions against Uzbekistan-based company for supporting Russian military-industrial complex
29.06 5878 POLITICS
Changes coming into force from July 1 announced 
29.06 3563 POLITICS
CEC begins preparations for referendum
29.06 3710 POLITICS
Parliamentary delegation of Uzbekistan to visit Azerbaijan
28.06 4223 POLITICS
Mexico appoints new ambassador to Uzbekistan
28.06 4155 POLITICS
Uzbekistan carries out constitutional reform in three stages
28.06 4948 POLITICS
Survey: 83% of Uzbeks support constitutional reform in the country
28.06 4538 POLITICS
Maximum amount of average salary may be increased to calculate pension
28.06 4090 POLITICS
Ambassador of Spain presents credentials to FM Norov
28.06 3512 POLITICS
New visitor center of Gissar State Reserve opens for public in Kashkadarya region
27.06 3615 POLITICS
Uzbekistan sent 74 tons of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan
25.06 13540 POLITICS
FM Vladimir Norov hosts Iran’s special envoy to Afghanistan
25.06 5944 POLITICS
Presidential term in Uzbekistan may be extended for 7 years
25.06 7548 POLITICS
COVID polyclinics to be reorganized in Tashkent
25.06 6688 POLITICS
President Mirziyoyev delivers a speech at BRICS Plus summit, puts forward a number of proposals 
25.06 6100 POLITICS
Deputy Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan met with the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan
24.06 6319 POLITICS