Uzbekistan adopts law on repatriating citizens imprisoned abroad

SOCIETY 18:16 / 05.12.2024 979

The amendments outline procedures for recognizing and enforcing foreign court decisions. They also establish mechanisms for accepting Uzbek nationals imprisoned abroad to continue serving their sentences or undergoing mandatory medical treatment in Uzbekistan. The law specifies the legal grounds, terms, and conditions for such transfers, as well as the procedural rights of participants in related judicial processes.

Approved by the Senate on October 24, the law aims to facilitate the social rehabilitation of citizens by enabling them to serve their sentences in their home country. It also strengthens legal safeguards for citizens abroad.

This initiative aligns with broader reforms in Uzbekistan to uphold the dignity and rights of detainees. Amendments made to the Criminal Executive Code on August 28 ensured humane treatment for prisoners, respect for their dignity, and access to appeal processes through national and international human rights bodies. The use of prisoners for medical or scientific experiments without their consent has been explicitly prohibited.

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