From the 2021/2022 academic year, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of the regions and the city of Tashkent will pay tuition fees for a total of 100 women (25 students enrolled in their territories each year and 75 students in grades 2-4 (25 from each course)) until the end of four academic years.
According to the decision of university councils, up to 50 women will receive free education in the first academic year by the financially stable state higher education institution. At the same time, educational loans for applicants for the next academic year will be issued. The khokimiyats will provide third-party guarantees for applicants in their areas and provide them with jobs upon graduation.
Selection of applicants will be based on the following criteria: needy girls whose father or mother, or both of them, have died; low-income single women without a breadwinner. At the same time, women who meet the above criteria will submit a certificate of social status to the admissions committee of the university within 10 days each year from the date of publication of test results. The state university will compile a list within 5 days and send the information to the khokimiyats in written form.
In 15 days (but not later than September 15 of each academic year), the Commission for Financial Support of Higher Education for single girls without parents or one of them, single women without breadwinners shall submit a list of applicants and the conclusion of the contract in written form to the state university, formalize contracts in the established order.
This procedure applies to applicants who are recommended for a bachelor’s degree (regardless of the form of education: full-time, part-time, evening) and studying in 2-4 courses on a tuition fee basis.
The rule does not apply to: applicants for the second and subsequent higher education; foreign higher education institutions or their branches located in Uzbekistan, business entities engaged in non-governmental educational services; higher military educational institutions.
Applicants will not be eligible for this benefit if they change their university or major during the current academic year or are expelled from their universities. The results of the selection of candidates will be announced through the Single interactive national platform.