POLITICS | 20:01 / 23.07.2024
1 min read

Uzbekistan plans to regulate educational activities

MPs of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis adopted in three readings at once a draft law on introducing additions and changes to some legislative acts of Uzbekistan, aimed at determining the procedure for carrying out educational activities.

Photo: Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis

It is provided that educational activities can be carried out by the executive authorities of the country, local government authorities, self-government bodies of citizens, individuals and legal entities, taking into account the requirements of the law.

It is also planned to determine the circle of persons who will be prohibited from engaging in educational activities.

The procedure, form, requirements and conditions for educational activities will be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The initiative was developed by the “Milliy Tiklanish” party. They advocate fighting against people who give lectures and promise to teach how to earn easy money.

Representative of UzLiDeP Shakhnoza Kholmakhamatova added that fake coaches promote polygamy, gender discrimination, feminism and immorality.

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