The Ombudsman said that the current situation has a negative impact on the activities of hotels and tourist facilities. In such an unforeseen situation, entrepreneurs, who rent state property, face certain difficulties related to the payment of rent.
According to the current legislation, state assets are privatized to individuals and legal entities in exchange for payment of purchase fees or fulfillment of certain investment and social obligations.
In order to prevent the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the activities of entrepreneurs, who lease state property and privatize them with investment obligations, the Business Ombudsman proposed the followings:
1. Suspension of rent payments on state property by entrepreneurs, whose activities have been temporarily stopped by the decision of the Special Republican Commission;
2. Suspension of the application of the procedure for calculating penalties for delays in procurement payments, investment and social obligations in the privatization of state assets, as well as suspension of contract termination procedures;
3. Prolongation of privatization contracts on the basis of the decision of the State Commission for Tenders for the sale of state property based on the applications of entrepreneurs, who are unable to fulfill the procurement payments, investment and social obligations due to the coronavirus pandemic.
It should be recalled that in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Uzbekistan, according to the decision of the Special Republican Commission, the activities of service facilities, including educational institutions, catering and other entertainment facilities have been suspended.