European Union allotted € 10 million to the Uzbek Ministry of Justice for the support of blockchain

POLITICS 21:39 / 22.11.2018 1320

The European Union has granted € 10 million to the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan, correspondent reports.

Prior to the 14th meeting of “Uzbekistan-European Union” Cooperation Council in Brussels, the First Deputy Minister of Justice Nodir Jurayev and Director for Development Coordination - Asia, Central Asia, Middle East/Gulf and Pacific of DG Development of European Commission Pierre Amilhat signed signed a co-op agreement.

“Within the framework of the five-year grant agreement, it is envisaged to fund a number of activities aimed at improving the system of public services,” the ministry noted.

In particular, the project envisages providing technical equipment to the Ministry of Justice, its territorial divisions and the Centers of public services.

Besides, it is planned to implement projects to improve the quality and efficiency of public services in five pilot regions (Jizzakh, Syrdarya, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, and Khorezm) and create the Centers of innovative ideas and developments in them.

Moreover, within the framework of the grant, it is planned to create a specialized web portal of public services, an integrated database for the exchange of information between the authorized bodies and provide public services online through mobile applications.

In the light of introducing innovative technologies, the agreement furnishes the financing of measures for the introduction of blockchain technologies, modern methods of planning and evaluating the performance of employees of the Centers of state services.

Measures will also be taken to improve the skills of employees of the Ministry of Justice and the Agency of state services.

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