News feed
Citizens will be able to apply for residency registration online
24.01 2126 POLITICS
Central Bank projects Uzbekistan's GDP growth at 6% for 2025
24.01 2195 BUSINESS
25 years in office: Erkinjon Turdimov sets new record
24.01 1949 SOCIETY
New head of Tashkent Department of Emergency Situations appointed
09.02 559 POLITICS
President signs the law changing Election Day
09.02 37726 POLITICS announces another grant for IT enthusiasts
09.02 1129 POLITICS
Abdumannop Tulaganov appointed deputy presidential advisor
09.02 333 POLITICS
Tashkent khokimiyat presents new projects for improving the city
09.02 3844 POLITICS
Prosecutor-General’s Office: Corruption is rampant in the sphere of construction and public utilities
09.02 775 POLITICS
Medical faculties to open in 4 regional universities
09.02 757 POLITICS
Share of loans in foreign currency to be reduced from 50% to 45%
08.02 964 POLITICS
Uzbekistan and EU to hold the seventh round of negotiations on a new agreement
08.02 1384 POLITICS
Airfield construction begins in Sokh district
08.02 1138 POLITICS
Foreign Ministry: Uzbek students not yet allowed traveling to Russia
08.02 816 POLITICS
Government plans to involve private sector in road safety
08.02 389 POLITICS
Contractors misappropriate about 246 million soums of budget funds in Nukus
08.02 1064 POLITICS
MIA may start issuing tinting permits online
08.02 833 POLITICS
Sardor Umurzakov elected Board Chairman of Governors of IDB Group
08.02 1744 POLITICS
Spotify registered as taxpayer in Uzbekistan
08.02 2207 BUSINESS
US dollar exchange rate shows a downward trend
08.02 877 POLITICS
Bukhara city prosecutor resigns
08.02 926 POLITICS
Gov’t announces how much money was spent on fighting the pandemic in 2020
08.02 973 POLITICS
Uzbekistan to optimize the number of public administration employees 
06.02 812 POLITICS