Mass media, the public may independently assess corruption of laws and resolutions
02.08 3992 POLITICS
Gov’t not going to revise the law “On State Language”
01.08 4473 POLITICS
FM Vladimir Norov hosts OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
01.08 2981 POLITICS
Uzbekistan, Turkey and Azerbaijan to hold tripartite talks for the first time
01.08 3589 POLITICS
People who moved from Russia to Uzbekistan express their opinions about settlement in the country 
01.08 4161 POLITICS
Procedure for submitting documents for issuance of a driver’s license changed in Uzbekistan
01.08 3483 POLITICS
Uzbekistan, Malaysia to exchange best practices in field of Islamic finance
01.08 2989 POLITICS
Public discussion on constitutional amendment ended in Uzbekistan 
01.08 2744 POLITICS
Japarov proposes signing the agreement on construction of China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway in Samarkand
30.07 4462 POLITICS
“Roadmap for expanding the use of the national currency within the SCO was approved” - Lavrov
30.07 3497 POLITICS
PGO clarifies the situation with report of large-scale theft in Transgaz JSC
30.07 3723 POLITICS
Changes coming into force from August 1 announced
30.07 3754 POLITICS
Ministry of Defense denies reports about violations in field of public procurement
30.07 3397 POLITICS
Level of provision of population with drinking water reaches 71.2%
30.07 3326 POLITICS
Norov: Peace and stability in Afghanistan is a strategic condition for sustainable development in the SCO space
29.07 3942 POLITICS
Mirziyoyev outlines most important aspects for further development of SCO
29.07 10477 POLITICS
“Lack of clean water caused diseases, deprived people of opportunities” – World Bank about villages in Uzbekistan
29.07 4336 POLITICS
More than $3.1 million in state funds looted, spent illegally by road industry officials in Uzbekistan
29.07 2922 POLITICS
“70 percent of certificates submitted to master’s programs are fake” – Abdukodir Toshkulov
29.07 3504 POLITICS
China fully supports Uzbekistan’s chairmanship in SCO 
28.07 3753 POLITICS