170 mini-clinics to established in densely populated areas of Tashkent
29.11 5636 POLITICS
Volodin comments on frequent visits of US representatives to Uzbekistan
29.11 6142 POLITICS
President signs law “On state registration of rights to real estate”
29.11 5956 POLITICS
Lolagul Kallikhanova pleads guilty
29.11 5371 POLITICS
Paris hosting 2nd forum of French-Uzbek universities 
29.11 5789 POLITICS
Movement of high-speed trains to be extended to Nukus
29.11 4595 POLITICS
US closely monitors trials against those accused of mass riots in Karakalpakstan
29.11 4208 POLITICS
“This is a tragedy” – Oncologist speaks about hospitals being sold
29.11 4534 POLITICS
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan to sign an agreement on allied relations
28.11 5327 POLITICS
11 archaeological objects worth 6 billion soums damaged in Kashkadarya 
28.11 4190 POLITICS
Uzbekistan, Russia sign regulations of inter-parliamentary commission on cooperation
28.11 4416 POLITICS
Foreign Ministry of Uzbekistan condoles with Belarus over FM Makei’s death
28.11 4231 POLITICS
Accusations against Dauletmurat Tajimuratov and Lolagul Kallikhanova announced
28.11 4236 POLITICS
Court trial on mass riots in Nukus begins
28.11 14584 POLITICS
Embassy of Uzbekistan notifies citizens planning to visit Malaysia of new requirements
28.11 4487 POLITICS
Deputy Minister: Construction of the oncology complex has been entrusted to Mimar Group with a closed decision
26.11 6641 POLITICS
Daily COVID-19 cases exceed 100 in Uzbekistan
26.11 7423 POLITICS
Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan cooperate to fight counterfeit IMEI
26.11 5173 POLITICS
Changes coming into force from December 1 announced
26.11 4954 POLITICS
Assistants of PA head to start working in regions
26.11 4377 POLITICS