Cardiovascular disease leads death causes in Uzbekistan’s 2024 mortality data

SOCIETY 19:17 213

The leading cause of death across the population was cardiovascular disease, accounting for 57.2% of total cases. This was followed by cancer at 9.5%, respiratory diseases at 6.5%, and external causes—including accidents, poisoning, and injuries — at 5.8%. Other causes included digestive system diseases at 4%, infectious and parasitic diseases at 1.2%, and various other conditions comprising the remaining 15.8%.

Notably, accidents, poisonings, and injuries disproportionately affected men, who accounted for 40.3% of deaths in this category, compared to 14.8% for women — nearly a threefold difference.

The data also highlighted regional variations in mortality rates. Tashkent city recorded the highest mortality rate at 5.5 per 1,000 people, closely followed by Tashkent Region with 5.4. Jizzakh region reported the lowest mortality rate at 4.2.

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