Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan launch new air route, cutting distance by 40 km

POLITICS 15:42 / 13.07.2024 1281

On July 11, new sections of the T-916 zonal navigation route, implemented in cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, were commissioned for aircraft flights. Germany's Lufthansa airline became the first user of the new route, as reported by the Ministry of Transport.

The new route shortens flight distances by 40 kilometers. This will save between 30 and 50 tons of aviation fuel annually during daily flights, the ministry emphasized. Additionally, oxygen consumption will decrease by 50-70 tons, and harmful dioxide emissions into the atmosphere will be reduced by 220-250 tons annually.

The report mentions that active cooperation has begun between the "Uzaeronavigation" and "Kazaeronavigation" centers to introduce new sections of air routes.

This is being carried out to meet the needs of airlines for the most efficient and shortest routes, including optimizing the structural elements of neighboring airspaces, as well as reducing the workload of air traffic control dispatchers, the organization explained.

According to forecasts, more than 30 airlines plan to carry out flights on the new optimized route daily.

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