President Mirziyoyev gets acquainted with proposals to improve quality of education

POLITICS 15:22 / 19.06.2024 30271

According to the press service of the head of our state, students’ interest in subjects and their performance largely depend on the knowledge and skill of teachers. Therefore, the necessary conditions are being created for improving the qualifications of teachers and the knowledge assessment system is being improved.

Responsible persons reported on the proposals developed in this area.

It was noted that a new certification system based on advanced technologies has been introduced. More than 190 thousand teachers took part in it; as a result, 51 thousand teachers were upgraded to categories.

It was emphasized that it is necessary to constantly stimulate an increase in the number of professional and self-improving teachers in schools.

It is proposed to increase the salaries of teachers with the highest and first qualification categories from September 2025.

Instructions were given to develop and implement a separate professional development program for teachers who have not been certified and do not have sufficient experience.

In this process, it is necessary to make full use of the capabilities of advanced training centers and teacher training colleges. For this purpose and based on the experience of the Presidential Schools, a system of advanced training for managers and teachers of kindergartens and schools will be organized at the National Research Institute named after Abdulla Avloniy every 5 years.

The task has been set to transfer 11 pedagogical colleges in the regions to the jurisdiction of Advanced Training Centers and attract trainers from abroad to them.

It was reported that kindergartens and schools, technical schools and the “Barkamol Avlod” school would be created on the basis of pedagogical colleges with a low load.

In order to disseminate best practices, the Presidential Schools Assessment System was introduced to 500 schools last year. As a result, student achievement in them increased from 53 to 59 percent. For school management and teachers who have achieved high results, an increase of up to 40 percent has been established.

In this regard, starting from the new academic year, this assessment system will be used in another 1 thousand schools. They will be assigned 182 specialized schools and 500 schools that have tested the system.

Also, 270 schools will be equipped with interactive whiteboards, and 365 will be provided with computer classes.

The presentation also discussed the proposal to create a National Institute of Educational Pedagogy on the basis of the Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan named after Kari-Niyaziy. The new institute will be tasked with strengthening cooperation between “mahalla – parents – school”, creating educational literature for parents and children, and scientific research into the didactic views of the Jadids. The activities of the Academic Council will be organized in 5 specialties, as well as training for master's and doctoral studies.

In addition, the issues of introducing international methods into the schools of sportsmanship of Bakhodir Jalolov and Oksana Chusovitina, improving the quality of education and training were raised.

The head of state gave instructions on improving the quality of teacher training and organizing a fair assessment and incentive system.

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