Cameras recording traffic violations to be installed near schools and pedestrian crossings from July 1

SOCIETY 17:02 / 27.03.2024 3891

A presidential decree dated November 20 stipulates the installation of cameras near schools along the road and at pedestrian crossings with four or more lanes to record violations related to speeding, ignoring pedestrians, and jaywalking.

To fulfill this order, from July 1, 2024, a phased installation of automated photo and video recording systems will begin:

•  near schools;
•  at pedestrian crossings on roads with 4 or more lanes;
•  in areas of traffic accidents (more than 3 times a year).
•  before railway crossings.

The installation of the complexes will be financed from the “Safe Road and Safe Pedestrian” fund. Locations for installation will be determined by the MIA Road Safety Service. The Ministry of Transport has been instructed to prepare a list of dangerous railway crossings within two months.

The cameras will be installed by the “Safe City” center, which must obtain technical conditions, contracts, orders/permits from Uzbektelecom, Regional Electric Networks, regional highway departments, and local improvement departments.

The cameras must have an autonomous power supply system with an operating life of up to 8 hours during power outages. Memory devices are also required to store information for 48 hours in the absence of mobile communications.

Data on offenses will be stored in the “Administrative Practice” module: photos for at least two years, video files for at least 90 days.

The camera supplier must guarantee technical support for three years.

The technical requirements state that the equipment must simultaneously recognize license plates of cars driving on a road of three or more lanes at speeds from 5 to 250 km/h, as well as at intersections. Fixing devices are also required to recognize at least 95% of license plates at night.

In addition to photos and videos with evidence of traffic violations, the Administrative Practice system should receive the exact time and address of registration of the violation, vehicle speed, and GPS coordinates.

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