Additional buses arranged for students in Tashkent traveling to Bukhara, Karshi and Termez (photo)

SOCIETY 16:54 / 23.12.2023 6246

On December 23, from 10:00 on the square in front of the main building of the National University of Uzbekistan (Beruniy metro station), located on the Tashkent students’ campus (in front of the entrance gate, near the arch), additional bus routes have been organized for students heading to their home towns in connection with winter holidays, the press service of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations reported.

Bus service is organized in the following most popular directions:

  • Tashkent – Olot (Bukhara);
  • Tashkent – Karshi;
  • Tashkent – Termez.

It is noted that buses on the route Tashkent – Olot (Bukhara) can also serve students traveling to Jizzakh, Samarkand, Navoi at the prices indicated in the route.

Tickets are sold at the mobile ticket office in the NUU main building.

For students traveling to the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm, Namangan, Fergana and Andijan regions, separate additional railway routes have been organized. Discounted tickets for these destinations are issued through a mobile ticket office in the NUU main building (Beruniy metro station).

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