Statistics Committee presents Uzbekistan’s main demographic indicators for 2022

SOCIETY 15:30 / 31.01.2023 9917

The State Statistics Committee presented the main demographic indicators of Uzbekistan in 2022.

As of January 1, 2023, the permanent population of Uzbekistan was 36,024,900 people, of which 18.1 million were men, 17.9 million – women, 18.3 million – urban residents, and 17.7 – million rural residents.

31.7% of the permanent population is below working age, 56.8% is at working age and 11.5% is older than working age.

In Uzbekistan, there are 80.2 people per square kilometer on average. This is an increase of 1.6 people compared to the same period last year. The highest indicator of population density by region was 6597.5 people on average in Tashkent city, 772.7 people in Andijan region, 588.2 people in Fergana region, the lowest indicators were 9.5 people in Navoi region, 11.9 people in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. 

In 2022, the number of live births was equal to 932,2 thousand people. Of these, the number of boys was 482,400, the number of girls was 449,800, the number of births was 473,400 in urban areas, and 458,800 in rural areas.

97.8% of births in 2022 had 1 child, 2.1% had twins, and 0.1% had 3 or more children.

According to the birth rate, Uzbekistan recorded high rates compared to its near and distant neighbors – 26.2 coefficients per 1,000 inhabitants. It is followed by Kazakhstan (23.5), Kyrgyzstan (22.4), Armenia (12.4), Azerbaijan (11.2), Moldova (11.2), Russia (9.6) and Ukraine (7.3).

The number of deaths in 2022 was 172,100, of which 95,000 were men, 77,100 – women, 92,000 – in urban areas, and 80,100 – in rural areas.

55.5% of deaths are from diseases of the circulatory system, 9.6% from diseases of the respiratory organs, 8.0% from tumors, 5.5% from accidents, poisoning and injuries, 4.1% from diseases of the digestive organs, 1.4% was caused by infectious and parasitic diseases, 15.9% by other diseases.

By age group in 2022, 20.0% died under the age of 20, 24.6% among 20-59-year-olds, and 55.4% among those 60 and older.

When the number of deaths registered during the last 5 years is analyzed by months, relatively few deaths were recorded in January and September, and the highest number of deaths was recorded in July-August.

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