Activities of 12 state administration bodies being terminated – the list

POLITICS 12:18 / 24.12.2022 5353

The list of state administration bodies of the republic that will be terminated from January 1, 2023:

1. Alcohol and tobacco market regulation and winemaking development agency;

2. Agency for the popularization of learning foreign languages under the Cabinet of Ministers;

3. International Cooperation and Development Agency under the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade;

4. Insurance Market Development Agency under the Ministry of Finance;

5. Public-Private Partnership Development Agency under the Ministry of Finance;

6. Agency for the implementation of capital construction projects in water management under the Ministry of Water Management;

7. Agency for the development of medical and social services;

8. Consumer Rights Protection Agency under the Anti-Monopoly Committee;

9. "Uzbekchorvanasl" agency under the State Committee for Veterinary and Livestock Development;

10. Education Quality Control Inspectorate under the Cabinet of Ministers;

11. Center for Development of Investment Projects under the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade;

12. National Chamber of Innovative Healthcare under the Ministry of Health.

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