Statistics about coverage of Samarkand SCO summit by Telegram channels announced

POLITICS 12:24 / 19.09.2022 3339

The figures on the coverage of the summit of the leaders of the SCO member states, held in Samarkand on September 15-16, were announced on the Telegram page of the mass media. According to it, from September 1, 2022 to September 18, 2022, 51 thousand 670 posts about the summit events were shared in 6 languages.

These posts reach more than 340 million Telegram users worldwide.

Comparing the countries, the largest number of Telegram posts on the SCO summit were shared by mass media of Uzbekistan – 26 thousand 311 posts. The total coverage of posts exceeds 144.6 million.

Russian telegram channels are in the next place – 18 thousand 648 posts, coverage of more than 146.2 million. The posts published on the Telegram channels of mass media of Iran (4300/40.7 million), Belarus (1546/5.2 million), Kazakhstan (613/2.7 million) and Kyrgyzstan (252/469 thousand) are in the next places.

Among the mass media of these countries, as of September 1-18, the largest number of posts about the Samarkand SCO summit was made by the internet publication – 41. In terms of the coverage of posts, the publication is the absolute leader – it has been viewed more than 14.9 million times.

In Russia, the most posts were left on the RIA Novosti agency Telegram channel – 10. Their coverage exceeds 5.3 million.

Among the Telegram channels of Iranian media, Khabarfouri is on the first place – 28 posts, more than 4.7 million coverage.

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