Uzbekistan reaffirms its commitment to UNCRC

POLITICS 16:47 / 07.09.2022 2164

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted on November 20, 1989 and 196 countries are parties to it. Uzbekistan acceded to the document on December 9, 1992.

The first national report of Uzbekistan on the implementation of the provisions of the UNCRC was considered in October 2001, the second – in May 2006, the combined third-fourth reports – in May 2013.

The Committee on the Rights of the Child monitors the implementation by all States parties of the provisions of the Convention. Its members are 18 independent experts who operate in their personal capacity, that is, they do not represent their governments.

The delegation of Uzbekistan was represented by representatives of the National Center for Human Rights, the Supreme Court, the ministries of internal affairs, health, public education and the State Committee for Family and Women Affairs.

The dialogue proceeded in a very constructive manner. Members of the UNCRC and international human rights structures have demonstrated high awareness of the deep reforms being carried out in Uzbekistan in the socio-economic, political and legal spheres.

During the 2-day event, members of the UNCRC asked about 200 questions regarding the implementation of the provisions of the Conventions and the adoption of relevant legislative frameworks.

The Uzbek side gave comprehensive answers, as well as provided detailed information on the main directions of state policy in the field of ensuring the rights of children, including measures to ensure the best interests of the child, introduce the principles of child-friendly justice, prevent discrimination against children, ensure the right of children to live and be brought up in the family, ensuring the right to education, access to qualified medical care, preventing child labor and more.

In general, international experts highly appreciated the desire of the state to promote the rights of children in the country and expressed sincere gratitude to the Uzbek side for the comprehensive nature of the Report presented, its content and thoroughness, as well as an open and constructive approach throughout the dialogue.

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