New ambassador of Montenegro presents his credentials to FM Norov

POLITICS 20:04 / 29.06.2022 4289

According to the MFA, after the ceremony of presenting his credentials, the Uzbek Foreign Minister congratulated the ambassador on his appointment to a high and responsible post, wishing him fruitful work.

Expressing gratitude for the warm welcome, Milorad Shchepanovich noted that Montenegro considers Uzbekistan as a key state in the region, cooperation with which is of priority importance for Podgorica. 

A high assessment was given to the Strategy for Developing New Uzbekistan implemented in our country, which contributes not only to the transformation of the country itself, but also to a change in the political atmosphere throughout Central Asia. Separately, the significance of the reform of the Constitution launched in the republic, which, according to the diplomat, can serve as an exemplary example of the effective protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens at the constitutional level, was noted.

It was emphasized with satisfaction that in recent years the Uzbek-Montenegrin political dialogue has been developing dynamically. The parties have close or similar positions on many issues of world politics and support each other within the framework of international institutions. At the same time, the necessity of taking measures to expand the contractual and legal base of interaction was emphasized. 

Specific proposals were considered to intensify trade and economic ties, including increasing the volume of trade, increasing cooperation between business entities and chambers of commerce and industry, implementing joint investment projects in the fields of non-ferrous metallurgy, engineering, pharmaceuticals, and tourism.

The readiness of the parties to strengthen cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian field was noted. 

Moreover, an exchange of views on topical aspects of international and regional politics, including the situation in Afghanistan took place during the meeting.

It should be recalled that on June 28, Uzbek FM Vladimir Norov received credentials of the newly appointed Ambassador of Mexico.

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