In particular, meetings were held at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, the Tokyo University of the Arts, the universities of Hiroshima and Kanazawa, the Center for Global Initiatives at Osaka University, Nagoya City University, as well as the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering.
At the meetings, the parties discussed the issues of organizing academic exchanges of teachers and students, admission of Uzbek students to long-term study programs in Japanese universities, as well as holding joint events and conducting scientific research. Special attention was paid to the possibility of interaction in scientific and educational areas, such as engineering, mechatronics, energy-saving technologies, artificial intelligence, and others.
As knowledge of Japanese is one of the main obstacles to increasing the number of Uzbek students studying in bachelor's programs at universities in Japan, the possibility of organizing the teaching of Japanese to students of universities of the republic, including the Fergana Polytechnic Institute and the Fergana State University, was discussed with the University of Hiroshima.
It was emphasized that the Japanese university is ready to organize online Japanese language courses through the Zoom platform. The university is implementing a similar program with universities in China and is ready to extend it to universities in Uzbekistan. In addition, the possibility of establishing a Japanese center at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute with the assistance of the University of Hiroshima and the Japanese company Balcom Group was discussed.