The draft presidential decree “On additional measures to increase employment and reduce informal employment in mahallas” has been announced.
The Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, in an organized manner, officially classifies citizens who are sent to foreign countries for temporary employment.
The following additional opportunities will be introduced to reduce unemployment and informal employment in the mahallas:
• 11 types of activities in the field of services and at home will be included in the activities (works, services) of self-employed persons;
• 9 additional types of employment on private plots in case of payment of insurance premiums in the amount of one BCA per year to the Off-Budgetary Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance will be included in the category of official occupation, as well as the requirement to have 4 hundred square meters of land, at least 50 heads of poultry to be considered official occupation of the farm will be abolished;
• The State Tax Committee will the amount of payments that entrepreneurs operating in mahallas (excluding shopping malls and markets) have to pay to the Pension Fund for their employees from 50% of the BCA per month to one BCA per year.