State Tax Committee fires 13 department heads for shortcomings in their work

POLITICS 13:25 / 02.04.2022 4667

The meeting of the collegium of the State Tax Committee, in which all employees of the system took part via videoconferencing, passed in a critical spirit, the STC press service reported.

During the meeting, the performance indicators of the tax authorities following the results of the first quarter of this year were analyzed and issues of ensuring the fulfillment of the tasks outlined by the President were discussed.

It is noted that:

•  despite the reduction this year of tax rates for some large taxpayers, the growth of budget revenues compared to the same period last year amounted to 17%, which is higher than the generalized macroeconomic indicator (GDP);
•  in regions responsible for tax administration of other business entities, in addition to large taxpayers, revenue growth averaged 37%;
•  in addition, according to the indicators of tax administration, the growth of VAT revenues amounted to 27%, in the regions - an average of 60%;
•  the volume of revenues from the turnover tax increased by 1.3 times, the highest increase was in Fergana (67%) and Khorezm (48%).

It was emphasized that such a significant growth is due to the sustainable development of the economy and decisive actions to digitalize tax administration.

Along with the analysis of the achieved results, during the meeting, the mistakes made, the existing shortcomings and problems were criticized.

In particular, for mistakes and shortcomings in the performance of the tasks set to ensure tax administration, attract additional income by expanding the tax base, disciplinary sanctions were applied against the heads of the Interregional State Tax Deaprtment for Large Taxpayers, the State Tax Administrations of Kashkadarya and Tashkent regions, the State Tax Inspections (STI) of the city of Kagan and Andijan.

The heads of the STI of the Andijan, Alat, Zaamin, Pakhtakor, Farish, Uchkurgan, Kushrabat, Urgut, Jarkurgan, Termez, Syrdarya and Gulistan districts and the city of Yangiyer were dismissed from their positions.

Also, the heads of STI departments of Asaka, Chirakchi, Mingbulak, Urgut, Mirzaabad, Sardoba, Baghdad, Kumkurgan districts and the city of Jizzakh were dismissed for mistakes and shortcomings in the forced collection of tax debts.

For serious mistakes and shortcomings in the consideration of complaints in the field of trade and the provision of services received through the “Tax Partner” system, and the implementation of control measures in this direction, the heads of the departments of field tax audits of Nukus, Jizzakh and Andijan, Gijduvan, Chirakchi , Karmana, Pap, Urgut and Bekabad districts were also relieved of their posts.

During the meeting, a decision was also made on financial incentives for employees of the State Tax Inspectorate and 64 State Tax Inspectors who have achieved high results.

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