“I am a big fan of the new Uzbekistan although it's still largely unknown to people in the west,” he said. “It used to be run like a dictatorship but the new government seems to know what they are doing. What they have achieved in the last few years deserves commendation.”
Jim Rogers stressed that the economy of Uzbekistan has opened up.
“The economy has finally opened up and I am sure international investors will use this opportunity to tap into its growth potential,” Rogers says. “I’ll be watching closely their announced privatization plans and IPOs,” he says, adding that he will be sticking to the Rogers playbook: agriculture, metals and energy.
The investor also expressed his opinion about the government of Uzbekistan.
“I think the new government is focused on elevating Uzbekistan’s position in the global and regional supply chain,” Rogers says. “They’re investing in the domestic petrochemical industry using their abundant natural gas resources as feedstock and starting to reform its cotton industry which will eventually become very competitive. Uzbekistan’s cotton business can definitely evolve into a more value-added textile industry with the help of growing foreign direct investment which will bring along the needed technology,” he said.
The American businessman also intends to invest in the activities of Uzbek airlines.
“I’m particularly interested in their tourism potential. When their airlines are finally up for privatization, I’ll definitely consider investing,” Rogers said.