In January-March of this year, 5,236 boys were named Muhammadali, and 5,114 girls - Soliha.
It is reported that in the first three months of 2021, birth certificates were issued to 91,067 boys and 84,837 girls.
According to additional information provided to, in addition to the name of Soliha, the names Muslima (2969), Shukrona (2252), Imona (1913), Farzona (1423) and Mubina (1350) were popular among girls.
The TOP-5 male names, in addition to Muhammadali, included Muhammad (2997), Abdulloh (2711), Mustafo (2333) and Imronbek (2062).
Muhammadali and Soliha were the most common names in Uzbekistan in 2019 and 2020 too. In 2020, 19,383 boys got the name Muhammadali, and 18,616 girls - Solikha.