Head of the Agency for External Labor Migration becomes Uychi district khokim

POLITICS 19:21 / 23.02.2021 605

Today, February 23, an extraordinary session of the Uychi district council of people’s deputies was held. At the session, the problems of socio-economic development were discussed and organizational issues were considered.

The governor of the region Shavkat Abdurazzakov nominated Muhammadzokir Mamatkhonov for the post of district khokim, deputies approved his candidacy.

Muhammadzokir Mamatkhonov was born in 1974 in Pop district of Namangan region. In 2006 he graduated from the Namangan Institute of Engineering and Economics, in 2012 – from the Higher School of Business at the Presidential Academy.

In 2016-2017 he was the governor of Yangikurgan district.

In the spring of 2020, he was appointed head of the Agency for External Labor Migration.

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