POLITICS | 16:53 / 04.12.2020
2 min read

Uzbekistan increases fines for illegal logging 

Photo: Getty Images

On December 3, the President signed the law “On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Uzbekistan”, the “Xalq So’zi” informs.

In accordance with the document, damaging or destruction of crops, forests, trees or other plants as a result of negligent handling of fire will result in a fine of 50 to 100 BCAs (previously up to 50) or compulsory community service for up to 240 hours or punitive deduction of the wage for up to one year.

Illegal logging and causing major damage to forests and trees is punishable by a fine of 100 to 150 BCAs (previously from 50 to 75) or 240 to 300 hours of compulsory community service or punitive deduction of earnings for 1 to 2 years or restriction of liberty for 1 to 3 years or incarceration for up to 3 years.

Deliberate damage, destruction of crops, trees or other plants causing major damage shall be punished by a fine of 150 to 200 BCAs (previously 75 to 100), compulsory community service (300 and 360 hours), punitive deduction of earnings for 2 to 3 years or restriction of liberty for one to 3 years or incarceration for up to 3 years.

The restriction of liberty and incarceration shall not be imposed if the material damage caused is compensated threefold.

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