Justice Ministry drafts a law defining the status of teachers
By the initiative of the President set forth in the report at the solemn meeting on October 1, the Ministry of Justice, together with the Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, has developed a draft law “On the status of pedagogical workers”.

According to the draft law, a teacher is an individual who conducts pedagogical activities in educational institutions (in kindergartens, comprehensive schools, academic lyceums, vocational schools, colleges and technical colleges, higher and postgraduate educational institutions, retraining and advanced training institutions).
Currently, more than half a million instructors teach 6.5 million students in institutions of the public education system in our country.
Social, legal and material support for teachers and the creation of the necessary conditions are particularly important in improving the quality of education and the training process. In developed countries, the legal status and social protection of teachers are ensured in accordance with the legislation.
The draft law proposes:
1) To relieve from payment of the state duty when applying to courts for the protection of the honor and dignity of teaching staff;
2) To prohibit the involvement of teachers in work, meetings and other activities not related to their professional duties;
3) To grant teachers the right to a preferential pension, allowing them to retire by 5 years earlier than the generally accepted ages;
4) To relieve teachers from personal income tax of funds allocated from their monthly salary for the purchase of a home or a vehicle.
5) To grant to a pedagogical worker an annual extended paid leave of fifty-six working days, as well as material assistance in the amount of the base official salary for the restoration of health once in a calendar year.
6) To establish a minimum base salary for a teacher and the creation of a system for payment of seniority bonuses;
7) To provide free preventive vaccination of teachers against infectious diseases during their professional activity;
8) To ensure admission to higher education institutions in the specialty of pedagogy for teachers who do not hold an undergraduate degree, but who have five years of work experience in educational institutions.
The draft law has been placed on the Single Portal of Interactive State Services for Public Discussion (https:///regulation.gov.uz/uz/d/25127).
It can be rejected, amended or supplemented.
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