Media: Medical waste of the hospital treating coronavirus patients is being dumped around the Chirchik River
Social networks disseminated a video of medical waste dumped around the Chirchik River. This case caused a strong public outcry.
The video shows a large pile of waste dumped on land and water. The author of the video said that the area was littered with the waste delivered by three cars. correspondent contacted the press secretary of the Tashkent regional administration Behzod Kobulov to comment on the incident.
“According to the instruction of the regional khokim of Tashkent, representatives of the khokimiyat information service, the head of the regional inspection of ecology and environmental protection, the chairman of the regional committee for ecology and environmental protection of the Zangiata district and others visited the scene.
It was found out that the waste was not taken to the designated place, it was dumped by the Chirchik River flowing through the territory of the Yangiyul district, on the land belonging to a businessman.
The video was filmed on October 15 in “Chartak” mahalla of the district. It was also revealed that the waste was dumped by citizen Abdullah Karimov, from whom an explanatory letter was received and he was brought to administrative responsibility in accordance with the relevant code.
The littered area is now cleared. An investigation is underway to identify when the waste was taken out of the hospital, whether it was a private initiative or someone else’s order,” the official said.
The head of the Tashkent regional health department Turakul Arzikulov said that the facility was not under the department’s control.
“This institution, located in the Zangiata district, Tashkent region, has nothing to do with our department. It is a republic-wide institution. If you have any questions about our facilities in Almalyk, Chirchik, Bekabad, we have full information and we will provide answers if necessary,” the department head said.
The debate on the Internet is getting more intense. MP Rasul Kusherbayev also wrote in his Telegram channel that the medical waste being dumped in Zangiata and Kuyi Chirchik districts could lead to the spread of the disease among the population.
“At a time when the population is being vigilant in the fight against the coronavirus and strict measures are being taken against those violating the quarantine rules, a number of officials are deliberately allowing the spread of the virus.
A part of the medical waste used for infected patients at the special coronavirus hospital in the Zangiata district is being dumped into the environment. In particular, such wastes dumped yesterday in Zangiata, Kuyi Chirchik districts of the Tashkent region, around the Chirchik River have caused strong protests by the general public.
According to the appeals and information I received today, there have been cases of such dumping in three areas so far. Unfortunately, the waste was scattered all over the place.
The study revealed that “Med Class Plus” LLC, which until recently was engaged in incineration and disposal of waste used in the treatment of coronavirus patients in accordance with the standards, had stopped its activity. For some reason, the officials rejected the service of this LLC and transferred it to another entrepreneur, and when the new entrepreneur was not able to completely burn and destroy the waste, he began to secretly dump it around,” the deputy said. also asks the authorities to take appropriate measures on this case, which has caused a strong outcry from the population.
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