The Agency for External Labor Migration, together with the Central Employment Office of the city of Tashkent, endeavors to mitigate the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the labor market, on labor relations and on the employment of citizens who are not able to go abroad to work, as well as citizens living in difficult circumstances, the statement says.
The Agency noted that in the analysis of enterprises and organizations in Tashkent whose activities are currently suspended, 7,490 people were identified as unemployed: at the trade enterprises, catering facilities, construction and service sectors and other areas.
As of April 22, 2,809 unemployed citizens were involved in disinfecting districts, streets, markets and other public places, for the purposes of improving and expanding the scope of anti-infection work carried out in various enterprises and organizations, regions, as well as in providing support to citizens with disabilities and those in need of care, outbound trade of agricultural products and other public works. Currently, 389 million soums have been paid in advance to citizens involved in such jobs.
392 out of 625 appeals received during the quarantine period were clarified according to the labor legislation. In one case, a written instruction was sent to the employer, in two cases the offenders were required to pay an administrative fine.