“Sakhovat” Center established to assist Uzbek citizens residing in Russia

POLITICS 14:13 / 16.04.2020 962

The “Sakhovat” Center will establish a system of targeted assistance, in the form of food packages, for Uzbek citizens and their families, who have fallen into difficult life circumstances in the Russian Federation in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.  
The center will start accepting applications for assistance from April 16 through the portal http: //sakhovat.rf and on its Facebook page.

First of all, assistance will be provided to women, families with young children, senior citizens and persons with disabilities.

Volunteers of the center plan to carry out targeted delivery of food and medicine to the needy Uzbeks, residing in Moscow and the Moscow region. 
You can also contribute and help our compatriots through a bank transfer (the link is here) or become a volunteer at the “Sakhovat” Help Center.

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