To find out more about this issue, correspondent contacted Feruza Madrakhimova, the head of the Information Service of the State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education under the Cabinet of Ministers.
“Video lessons are being prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Education, the State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education and PISA.
Ensuring that children watch these lessons on time and master them depends greatly on parents.
It is advisable if parents could watch lessons together with their children and monitor them,” the representative of the Inspectorate said.
For information, lessons are broadcast on the “Yoshlar” (“Youth”) TV channel – for 1-4 grades, on the “Oilaviy” (“Family”) TV channel – for 5-8 grades and on the “Madaniyat va ma’rifat” (“Culture and Enlightenment”) TV channel – for 9-11 grades. In addition, on the “Dunyo bo’ylab” (“Around the world”) TV channel, lessons on applied sciences will be broadcast.
TV lessons are being filmed in the Uzbek and Russian languages.