Researchers warn that the number of divorces in Uzbek families may increase

POLITICS 18:15 / 30.12.2019 422

In Uzbek families, such perceptions as mutual understanding, sensual aspirations and mutual respect are declining today compared to the 1990s and 2010s. This is the conclusion of recent studies of the “Oila” (“Family”) Scientific-Practical Center, correspondent reports.

The researchers stated that dynamics of such perceptions as “mutual respect”, “sensual aspirations” and “mutual understanding” in 1990, 2010 and 2019 differ considerably.

One of the main reasons affecting the relationship of couples, according to psychologists, is the fact that young people are not ready for family life. That is, parents do not teach their children the skills necessary to establish interpersonal relationships in the family and create a strong tie.

Researchers warn that if this trend continues, there will be an increase in the number of divorces in Uzbek families, an increase in conflict situations and an increase in extramarital affairs.

“It is important that every family member knows and understands this situation. Everyone should be vigilant and be able to assess the situation in his own family,” the “Oila” Center concludes. 

For reference, by 2019, the number of divorces in the families of Uzbekistan over 10 years has doubled. If in 2008 more than 16,000 divorces were registered, then by 2018 this figure amounted to more than 32,000. However, in 2019, the growth in the number of divorces stopped and their number decreased to 23,000 over the year.

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