The Ministry of Justice reminded khokims and all government officials of the model rules of ethical conduct.
It should be recalled that by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers adopted on March 2, 2016, model rules for the ethical conduct of employees of public administration bodies and local executive bodies were approved.
The rules are a set of general principles of professional ethics and the basic rules of official conduct of ministry employees, regardless of their positions.
According to the rules, civil servants must be polite, friendly, honest, attentive, obliged to show tolerance and respect while communicating with citizens and colleagues. In relation to their subordinates and citizens, civil servants should not be rude, should not allow cases of humiliation of honor and dignity of an individual, unjustified psychological and physical impact.
The leader in relation to subordinate employees should be an example of high professionalism, decency and justice, contribute to the formation in the state body or its structural or territorial subdivision of a favorable moral and psychological climate, he should not require subordinate employees to execute orders that go beyond their official duties, and also persuade to commit unlawful misconduct.
In addition, the leader should not allow cases of selection and placement of personnel on the grounds of kinship, fraternity or personal devotion. He must strictly suppress manifestations of clanism, parochialism, favoritism, as well as other negative factors in the process of fulfilling his official duties.
The document also states that the manager is responsible for not taking measures to prevent actions (inaction) of employees that violate the principles and rules of official conduct.
Earlier, it was reported that on August 14, in order to study an appeal of the LLC Khiva Stroy, correspondents visited the Olmazor district. During the meeting, the deputy head of the district Abdurasul Vahobov demanded not to film him and attacked the operator. As a result of his aggressive behavior, Abdurasul Vahobov broke the operator’s tripod.
On August 16, a video footage was published in the “Xalq bilan muloqot” (“Dialogue with people”) group on Facebook, in which an employee of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan and a visitor argued with each other. The entrepreneur made a complaint about the employee of the Cabinet of Ministers for insulting him.