The Antimonopoly Committee submitted for discussion a draft Law “On advertising” in the new edition. The current law on advertising was adopted more than 20 years ago – in the winter of 1998.
One of the main differences – the list of basic concepts has been expanded. Among the new concepts, for example, the video tube that pops up during TV shows will be considered as commercial information.
Advertising requirements have also been expanded. If now only 11 basic requirements are registered, there will be more than 15 of them in the project.
For example, it is proposed to prohibit to indicate in advertising prices and rates in foreign currency, to advertise products without indicating the age classification sign, to use units of measure, the use of which is not allowed in Uzbekistan and others.
Another important difference is product placement. In the current law, this phrase does not exist, but the bill states that when advertising products in movies or other TV shows, information about this should be specified in the movie or TV show at the beginning and end.
The point on advertising alcoholic beverages has been expanded. If now such advertising is completely prohibited, then the bill proposes to add exceptions.
One of them, for example, allows alcohol advertising on sites that can only be accessed with a preliminary identification of users (to ensure that the user has reached the age of 20).
The draft law can be studied, commented on by June 25.