In Uzbekistan, adopting a law on public discussion of drafts of normative-legal acts (NLA) was proposed. The corresponding petition appeared on the collective reference portal “My opinion”.
“Currently, the issue of public discussion of draft laws is regulated by a decision of the Council at the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, which provides for public discussion only at the stage of consideration of draft laws by the parliament,” the petitioner noted.
At the same time, the law “On procedure for drafting laws and submitting them to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan” provides for public discussion of draft laws and subjects of the right of legislative initiative.
“In order to determine the legislative order and consistency of public discussion of draft laws by subjects of the right of legislative initiative, as well as the procedure for taking into account proposals and comments of citizens, ensuring their rights and legitimate interests, I propose to develop and adopt this law. Its adoption will fill the legislation gap,” he said.
It should be recalled that at the present time many draft documents are published on the system for assessing the impact of legislative acts.