The Health Minister of Uzbekistan Alisher Shadmanov and the director of the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry Sardor Kariyev are on a visit in the Republic of Korea to promote bilateral cooperation in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals between Uzbekistan and South Korea.
On the first day of the visit, the delegation of Uzbekistan met with the South Korea's Trade, Industry and Energy Minister Sung Yun-mo. During the meeting, Sung Yun-mo noted his readiness to assist in attracting Korean investors for the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Uzbekistan.
It should be noted that Uzbekistan pays special attention to attracting investment in the pharmaceutical industry. In particular, in 2018, $96.26 million investments were directed to the sphere, thanks to which 34 projects were launched, 1501 jobs were created.
According to the presidential decree “On measures to implement the investment program of Uzbekistan for 2019” dated December 19, 2018, this year it is planned to implement 20 projects in the pharmaceutical industry for $216.5 million and as a result create 2,218 jobs.
It should be noted that currently in Uzbekistan there are 159 domestic pharmaceutical enterprises. Of these, 90 specialize in the production of medicines, 58 - medical products and 11 - diagnostic equipment.