Otabek Murodov: Placing children to specialized schools should be last option

POLITICS 20:21 / 04.05.2019 1206

A draft resolution, which envisages placement of minors to specialized educational institutions only as the latest option, is being developed 

It is important to note that at specialized boarding schools and colleges, the moral-ethical environment has been neglected for many years, Prosecutor General Otabek Murodov believes so.

On May 4, the Prosecutor General of Uzbekistan Otabek Murodov presented the report on the activities of prosecuting bodies in 2018 during the XIX plenary session of the Senate.

According to Murodov, employees of the Prosecutor's Office have encountered negative situations upon studying the execution of laws in the specialized educational institutions of the Samarkand, Kokand, Chinaz and Syrdarya districts.

“At the specialized boys' boarding school in Samarkand, director Sadinov, educators Ochilov and Salimov have been mistreating schoolchildren. School officials were convicted as vulnerable pupils were tortured and beaten up by them. In Kokand's specialized college, it was determined that the budget funds have been embezzled, illegal acts have been committed against pupils. So, responsible perpetrators were brought to justice,” he said.

Otabek Murodov said that the draft resolution, which envisages the placement of minors to specialized educational institutions only as the latest option, will be ready soon.

“At the same time, there are suggestions to make responsible 1 psychologist to every 20 pupils and to equip the institutions with surveillance cameras.  There is also a question of whether or not we need a special boarding school, perhaps we think of distributing such children to families,” the Prosecutor General of Uzbekistan said.

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