The decree of the President of Uzbekistan “On approval of the development concept of the public education system by 2030” was signed.
According to the decree, in order to define priorities of systemic reforming of general secondary and extracurricular education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, raise the spiritual-moral and intellectual development of the younger generation to a qualitatively new level, introduce innovative forms and methods of education in the educational process, the Concept of development of the public education system by 2030 has been approved.
The followings are envisaged in the Concept:
• Being included in the list of TOP-30 advanced states of the world in the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) rating by 2030;
• Qualitative renewal of the content of continuous education, as well as training, retraining and professional development of teaching staff;
• Development of the teaching methodology, gradual introduction of the principles of individualization in the educational process;
• Introduction of modern information-communication technologies and innovative projects in the field of public education;
• Strengthening the material-technical basis of public education institutions and increasing the efficiency of budget support;
• Introducing modern methods and directions of extracurricular education in teaching youth and ensuring their employment;
• Expanding the competitive environment in public education through the development of public-private partnerships;
• Implementation of five initiatives, including complex measures aimed at creating additional conditions for the upbringing of the youth;
• Gradual increase in the level of remuneration, material incentives and social protection of workers of general secondary education in order to upsurge the attractiveness of working in the public education system;
The development Concept of the public education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan till 2030 is being gradually implemented through the Roadmap, which is annually approved, based on the target parameters and key directions for the relevant period.
The Ministry of Public Education shall develop the draft Roadmap for the coming year on the basis of a thorough study of previous year’s experiences and submit it by December 1 to the Cabinet of Ministers for approval.
It is defined that financing of the measures envisaged in the decree shall be carried out by the funds of the state budget, funds of the Foundation for supporting reforms in the sphere of Public Education, preferential foreign loans and grants, donations of individuals and legal entities, including other sources not prohibited by the legislation.