Hourly education to be paid on a new system

POLITICS 17:19 / 24.04.2019 691

The new order of hourly wages for conducting training sessions is regulated. Previously valid hourly rates have become invalid, Norma reports.

According to the adopted act of November 1, 2018, the payment for hourly education is set as a percentage of the basic salary. Previously, the academic hour of classes was paid at a fixed rate (specifically set amount).

Tariffs are set to pay for conducting hourly trainings:

• at universities and research institutions, institutions for retraining and advanced training, as well as in training courses organized in these institutions. Percentage rates are set depending on the degree of the person and position (professor, assistant professor, assistant, teacher) and vary from 0.61 to 2% of the basic salary;

 • at secondary specialized, professional educational institutions. For persons with a scientific degree – from 0.93 to 1.45% of the basic salary of a professor or associate professor of the university, respectively. An academic hour for the remaining teachers is paid in the amount of 1% of the basic salary for the relevant position (senior teacher, instructor, etc.);

• at general secondary schools – for primary and upper secondary school teachers, speech therapists and heads of a speech therapy center. Their hourly training session is paid in the amount of 1.2% of the basic salary, established depending on the qualification category (higher, first, second) and level of education.

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