POLITICS | 21:00 / 13.04.2019
2 min read

New rules for parking on the roadway introduced 

In Uzbekistan, starting from April 10, new mandatory rules for parking cars on the roadway have come into force.

“According to the amendments introduced to the Traffic Rules, from April 10 onwards, drivers are obliged to park vehicles on the roadway in one row parallel to the edge of the road, and two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer – in two rows,” the police department reported.

Penalty for violation is set at 3 MMW (little over 600,000 soums).

In addition, it is prohibited to drive a bicycle or a motorcycle without holding the steering wheel or holding it with one hand.

Another novelty: during daytime, motorists should move with the headlights on. State Duma Deputy of the Federal Assembly of the RF, auto-expert Vyacheslav Lysakov noted that this is a justified measure from the point of view of security – even in sunny Uzbekistan.

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