SOCIETY | 10:22 / 26.11.2018
4 min read

Doctors who helped a mother to deliver her fifth child on an airplane related the story in detail (Exclusive)

Doctors of Medical Sciences – professor Gulsara Eshimbetova and professor Rahmatilla Niyozmetov, who helped a mother to deliver her fifth child on an airplane flying en route Beijing-Tashkent, went into detail about the baby’ delivery. They related the story and shared more details of the happening.

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According to them, they visited China for a week to learn about innovative technology for “cervical cancer prevention”. On the way back to Uzbekistan, they encountered such unusual situation.

“Giving birth to a baby is a physiological process. Women deliver babies both at home and hospital. But at the height of 10,000 meters, helping the mother to deliver her fifth baby was very difficult. At the same time, it was an extreme responsibility,” Dr. Rakhmatilla Niyozmetov said.

Professor Rahmatilla Niyozmetov

“Just after half an hour flight, an emergency situation was announced. There was a patient and they were looking for a doctor among the passengers. As soon as we heard it, we ran to the scene. We saw a woman lying at the back seat. She looked so pale,” Gulsara Eshimbetova continued.

Professor Gulsara Eshimbetova

At the same time, the woman was surrounded by a huge crowd and complete chaos. It was the most difficult decision-making time. First of all, the doctors checked her pulse rate. It was 120-124 per minute. The experts took full control of the situation. However, they were concerned about the mother’s condition.

“It was her fifth birth. We were a little worried about obesity, heart condition and risk of bleeding. Finally, we decided that I would be receiving the baby and Gulsara Eshimbetova would be assisting with the mother’s care. The fetus was 34-35 weeks old. It was a premature birth. We experienced difficulties in finding the necessary medical equipment,” Rakhmatilla Niyazmetov added.

The Chinese stewardess were so frightened. The doctors comforted them and helped the mother accordingly. Nevertheless, there were risks associated with the mother and baby’s health. But thanks to their fortune, all ended well. The doctors with 35 years of experience used their professional skills. Thus, on November 24, at around 01:00 a.m., a baby was born on the plane CZ6027 flying from Beijing to Tashkent. About 300 passengers stood up and cheered the doctors. The plane returned to Beijing. Now, the mother and baby are at the “Hemuya” hospital in Beijing. 

At the end of the conversation, Dr. Gulsara Eshimbetova gave valuable advices to women: “Our women are very careless about their health. They should regularly visit the doctors and follow their instructions. During pregnancy, they should not travel by plane up to 12 weeks. Because over 60 % of miscarriages happen at this period.”

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