US senator calls for repeal of Jackson-Vanik amendment against Uzbekistan
01.08 7169 POLITICS
Turkmenistan appoints new ambassador to Uzbekistan
01.08 6510 POLITICS
Media: Prosecutor of Tashkent region removed from office
01.08 6039 POLITICS
Uzbekistan to double water flow to Chordara reservoir in Kazakhstan
01.08 5983 POLITICS
Rasul Kusherbayev resigns as UzLiDeP deputy
31.07 6727 POLITICS
“Uzbekistan – 2030” strategy publicized for public discussion
31.07 7423 POLITICS
Administrative fine for illegal logging to rise by 5 times
31.07 5817 POLITICS
Individuals who blocked the bus route and threw stones at it in Samarkand imprisoned for 15 days
29.07 9410 POLITICS
Uzbekistan and Hungary agree on launching direct flights and simplifying visa regime
29.07 10022 POLITICS
“Instead of fighting crime, he was engaged in artificial reduction of statistics” – President speaks about Jurayev
28.07 9304 POLITICS
Representatives of C5+1 discuss wide range of issues at a special session on Afghanistan
28.07 9054 POLITICS
Azizbek Ikramov becomes chief policeman of Fergana region
28.07 7829 POLITICS
First deputy commander of National Guard dismissed
28.07 7649 POLITICS
President draws attention to cases of domestic violence
28.07 7609 POLITICS
Ex-governor of Termiz sentenced to 11 years in prison
28.07 7678 POLITICS
More than 9.3 thousand Uzbeks received Russian citizenship in H1 2023
27.07 8595 POLITICS
Presidents of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan to meet in Ashgabat for a summit
27.07 8843 POLITICS
Distance education to be introduced in 14 higher education institutions
27.07 8392 POLITICS
MEPR names regions of Uzbekistan with highest level of poverty
27.07 8401 POLITICS
“Uzbekistan repatriated 523 citizens who found themselves in a difficult situation abroad” – MFA
26.07 8086 POLITICS